The Path of Realizing Freedom Together


The Path of Realizing Freedom Together offers a transformative curriculum and public speaking specifically tailored to nonprofits, businesses, and education settings.


How often do teams run inefficiently because of shared limiting beliefs and assumptions?

What does a compassionate workplace look like? Will leading with compassion equate a lack of clear boundaries and collective capacity to act with decisiveness?

What contemplative technologies support thriving in the workplace and how does one implement them as a team?


Our Curriculum

Our programming offers an “inner curriculum” that focuses on personal flourishment and collective thriving with practical and global applications.


Participants will gain:

  1. Mastery of contemplative technologies that support embodied resiliency, health, creativity, and humility.

  2. Skills to engage an experiential framework of service that fosters lifelong well-being for individuals, teams, and communities.

  3. Proven relational tools to craft environments of CARE, and to catalyze deep and sustainable change.

  4. Holistic practices that ignite and nurture transformation – from personal to collective.

  5. Artistry in engaging methodologies that enliven consciousness, compassion, and the experience of belonging.



The experiential curriculum covers five essential life and leadership skills:

  • Creating Environments of CARE

    Giving the Gift of Attention

    Bridging Personal and Collective Transformation

  • Recognizing the Conditioned Mind

    Releasing Negative Self-Talk

    Unpacking Our Survival Strategies

  • Embodying the Compassionate Mentor

    Seeing Through Duality

    Knowing Consciousness

  • Turning Toward What Is

    Experiencing Wholeness

    Embodying Presence

  • Living in Service

    Igniting Flourishment

    Fostering Acts of Being


Interested in Working Together?

Fill out some info, and we will get in touch.