In The Heart of Who We Are, Caverly Morgan has offered our troubled world a wish-fulfilling gem—crystal clear in its transparent honesty, luminous in shining the light of wise compassion on the shame that binds us all in different ways, incisive and unbreakable in its exposing and cutting through the knots of fear-based conditioning that lock us into lives of separation, othering and harming. Given the urgency of this now—with our individual and collective lives, our spiritual practice and communities crying for voices that help awaken us from the nightmares of spiritual bypassing and systemic racial and other oppression, her voice is a freedom bell that calls us to return again to our wholeness, and to join as one in the act of co-creating the beloved community we all need to truly be together in shared presence, here and now.
— Joe Loizzo, M.D., Ph.D., Founder, Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science, and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College