The Heart of Who We Are calls us to courageous action and commitment to the high art of a principled life. This is not a philosophical conversation over coffee. It is a challenge with tools to dismantle the inner and outer programs that permit us to justify our collapse in the face of what intimidates us, what we fear we cannot do anything about, and what we know is wrong.

Caverly Morgan reminds us that we share an individual and collective desire for peace, belonging and happiness. She lights the path of dedicated practice to overcome our fears and be, do and have the truth of our creation as a living reality. With all seriousness and kindness, The Heart of Who We Are calls us from the comfort of learned helplessness to the reclamation of our Divine power. This is a radical spiritual call to be fully free and sovereign.

Caverly is a part of a new wave of thinkers who understands the power of possibility and the consistent inner work it takes individually and collectively to create the world we want. She invites us to be, do and have this together.
— Jenée Johnson, Program Innovation Leader Mindfulness, Trauma and Racial Healing Trauma Informed Systems Initiative Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion/Mental Health Act Founder of The Right Within Experience